JVS Career & Employment Provides Opportunities for Job Seekers

When you have worked your whole life and a progression of circumstances place you in financial distress, some guidance and support go a long way toward security. After more than 20 years as an attorney with the same company, Barbara was laid off. On the recommendation of her rabbi, Barbara came to JVS Career & Employment for help finding a better paying job that was close to home and a good fit for her skills.

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Take Action To Support Refugees And Asylum Seekers

Over 70 million people are displaced around the world because of violence, war and persecution – the greatest displacement in history1. As Jews, we live by the value of Tikkun Olam – the repair of the world – and talk frequently of the importance of welcoming the stranger. We have a unique responsibility to support refugees and asylum seekers and raise our voices in opposition to the negative rhetoric and policy changes that we are bearing witness to today.

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