At HIAS, our long history of dedication and service continues. We offer an array of services to help people from around the world reunite with family members, find stability, and settle in a community with a sense of belonging in their new country.
JCFS testimonials Quote

“As a resettlement provider there is a list of things we are required to do…but there is so much more that happens in between those essential services.”

Jessica Schaffer Director of HIAS Immigration & Citizenship

HIAS Welcome Campaign

We receive government funds to help refugee families become independent, but there is always a large gap. The HIAS Welcome Campaign ensures that families are provided with the resources and assistance necessary for a safe and successful transition to the United States. Dollars raised are used for direct financial assistance, as well as to support program activities and service coordination.
This includes:
Rent and utility assistance
Transportation assistance
Other basic needs assistance, including clothing and food
Translation and interpretation services
Culturally-appropriate case management services to support acclimation and integration

HIAS Resources

to help

We're Here

to Help.

For assistance or more information, call us at 855.275.5237 or email us at