Small Steps to a Win

“The path to success in helping a child meet a challenging goal is to tap into what motivates them and to set them up to feel successful in accomplishing each new task. Success ultimately builds on success.”

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The Gift of Language

“My daughter’s experience was very positive,” Bat-El said. “We noticed improvement very fast. She enjoyed her sessions, and it felt more like an after-school activity and less like therapy.”

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Physical Therapy Creates Lifelong Healthy Habits

Many children with developmental delays and disabilities have trouble with coordination, strength, and muscle tone. JCFS Chicago’s physical therapist helps develop basic motor skills like rolling, sitting, walking, and running. But we don't stop at the basics. We want to be sure that all children can fully participate in their community at their highest potential.

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Video Modeling

One way we learn is by watching others. A way to enhance skills is by positive reinforcement that leads to repeating an action. Some individuals think in pictures. These reasons make video modeling an enticing way to learn.

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