First Steps Toward Inclusion

From the day we are born we are a member of a community. As our development progresses and we learn to convey our wants and needs, our involvement and inclusion in family and community life increases. In some instances, infants and young children require early intervention therapy to augment their social, emotional and physical development so that they become actively engaged in their community.


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Winter Car Seat Safety Tips

One of the most important jobs you have as a parent is keeping your child safe when riding in a vehicle. Each year, thousands of young children are killed or injured in car crashes. Proper use of car seats helps keep children safe.

Winter is a tricky time for car seats. As a general rule, bulky clothing, including winter coats and snowsuits, should not be worn underneath the harness of a car seat.

In a car crash, fluffy padding immediately flattens out from the force, leaving extra space under the harness. A child can then slip through the straps and be thrown from the seat.

The following tips from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) will help parents strike that perfect balance between keeping little ones warm as well as safely buckled in their car seats.

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What is a Social Story?

By Integrated Pediatric Therapies

A Social Story, developed by special needs teacher Carol Gray, is a social learning tool that support the safe and meaningful exchange of information between parents, professionals and people with autism of all ages.

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Travel Tips For Families with Children with Special Needs

Planning a Vacation? We Can Help!

While traveling with a child with special needs may require a little more planning and adjustment, it's just a different category of family vacationing! - Lissa Poirot

Travel Tips For Families with Children with Special Needs
Check out these tips from our Integrated Pediatric Therapies therapists for ways to make the trip easier and fun for the entire family!

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May Is Better Hearing & Speech Month

Autism is one of the fastest growing developmental disorders in the United States.  With 1 in 68 children now estimated to have autism spectrum disorder, community support is critical. During May Is Better Hearing & Speech Month, the speech-language pathologists at Integrated Pediatric Therapies encourage people to use this as an opportunity to consider how they communicate and interact with people with autism.

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