Maintaining Mask Safety

Wearing a mask during the pandemic helps keep children and their families safe by blocking respiratory droplets. Health experts recommend we keep wearing masks in public to keep the virus from reaching others. Here are a few tips that can help increase your child’s tolerance for mask wearing. 

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20 Years of Integrated Pediatric Therapies

JCFS Chicago’s Integrated Pediatric Therapies (IPT) is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. Over two decades, IPT has continually adapted to the needs of the community they serve. “Our treatment is not static,” shares Jennie Marble, Director of Integrated Pediatric Therapies. “We have continued to change to meet the needs of our children and their families.”

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Fewer Toys Increases Opportunities

If December meant an influx of new toys to your home you may be thinking, now what do I do? Too many toys and a cluttered environment can actually have a negative impact on the quality of a child’s play and access to fewer toys enhances children’s cognitive and neurological development.

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Winter Months and Movement

"The more I’ve learned about the seasonal impact on mood, behavior and cognitive development, the more important I realize it is to incorporate purposeful movement into our kids’ days, especially in the winter," Jennie Marble, Director of Integrated  Pediatric Therapies shares.

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Early Intervention Success Story

“My son is so medically complex that I had him in a bubble,” Evelyn, the mother of and Early Intervention client shared. “But as time went on, I realized what a blessing Early Intervention was. It wasn’t just therapy for him, it was therapy for me.”

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