Donor Profile

Ben Arkes was born in Chicago in 1922. His father, Pinches, was a Ukrainian immigrant who arrived in the United States in 1910 with no resources and limited English proficiency. Ben was one of five children, and though his father was an incredibly hard-working man, the family struggled with poverty, often going without meals. His upbringing had a profound impact on Ben’s altruism later in life.

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Joint Attention

Joint attention is when two people focus on an object, person, event or idea at the same time. It occurs when one person alerts the other to an object without words, indicating with just a look or pointed finger. Often joint attention is associated exclusively with toddlers and autism, but it also informs social behavior for adolescents and adults who aren’t on the spectrum. 


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The Legal Advocacy Center May be a Resource for You

Are you a parent or guardian of a child with special needs who has an Individual Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan? Do you have any questions about the plan itself or with its implementation? Do you suspect your child may have a disability and may need services in school? If you answered yes to any of these questions, the JCFS Chicago Legal Advocacy Center may be a resource for you.

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