College During COVID

Whether you are starting your college career or returning to campus, the prospect of what’s next is daunting.  The uncertainties are as vast as the speed with which our lives are changing.  As summer comes to a close, schools are still finalizing whether classes will be remote, in person or a hybrid.  Questions about what dorm life - and your social life - will look like come fall may be buzzing through your mind.  As you think about your life in the fall semester, here are some tips to help you manage in navigating the uncertainty in going back to campus.

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Kara's Success Story

As a young adult with disabilities, Kara came to the Duman Opportunity Center looking for help starting her career. She began working with her employment specialist Allen, and expressed her passion for working with children. She guided her through every stage of the job search process, providing individualized support that helped her secure a job as a child-care assistant at a local park district.

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Chaplaincy in Challenging Times

Keeping with the principle of pikuach nefesh (preservation of life and health), JCFS Chicago chaplains continue to provide support by phone or online. We speak with people who live at home, in senior communities or in other residential facilities, often bringing a sense of spirituality and connection to the Jewish community in challenging times.


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Donor Profile

Current co-chairs of JCFS Chicago’s Associates Board, Becca Friedman and Sarah Dorfman are setting an example for young philanthropists in Chicago.

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Calling New Members for the Response Advisory Council

JCFS Response for Teens is seeking new members to serve on the Response Advisory Council (RAC). RAC members are committed to the important work of empowering adolescents to make healthy choices, and put their skills and gifts to work in the service of helping teens develop skills in communication, decision-making and leadership.

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