
JVS Career & Employment Provides Opportunities for Job Seekers

When you have worked your whole life and a progression of circumstances place you in financial distress, some guidance and support go a long way toward security. After more than 20 years as an attorney with the same company, Barbara was laid off. On the recommendation of her rabbi, Barbara came to JVS Career & Employment for help finding a better paying job that was close to home and a good fit for her skills.

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Family Conflict: An Opportunity for Growth and Change for All

By David Lipschutz, LCSW

Conflicts happen at school, at work, and in homes. Arguments, big and small, occur in all families. There are many causes for these conflicts. The pressures on families are endless. Financial, cultural, traumas, school, employment, and relationships are some examples of stressors that families face on a daily basis. All these stressors create a complex environment for raising children in our society. This article highlights the potential for growth and change by acknowledging that verbal conflicts occur in families and looks at ways to be less reactive in these conflicts.

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Monkey See, Monkey Do: How Parents’ Technology Use Influences Their Family

by Tracey Kite LCSW

As a parent, have you ever found yourself looking up from your own smart phone or tablet to tell your child to get off of a screen? Do they call you on it? One of the hardest things about parenting may be that kids learn much more from what parents do than what we say. Parents are active role models for their children, and parents’ attitudes and behaviors around media are a significant influence on a family’s media use habits. In our quest to help our kids be good users of time, how do we think about parents’ screen use?

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Using Medications Safely: Empowering Older Adults

According to a 2014 report from the U.S. Census Bureau, between 2012 and 2050, the United States will experi­ence considerable growth in its older population (the report defined older population as age 65 and older). The baby boomers are largely responsible for this increase as they began turning 65 in 2011. By 2050, the surviving baby boomers will be over the age of 85.

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Opportunity: JVS Chicago Seeks Social Enterprise Partner

A force for social justice, JVS Career & Employment is a 501C(3) non-profit serving more than 5,000 employees, employers and entrepreneurs annually with programs for adults, youth and people with disabilities.

The Opportunity: Employees with disabilities offer a large untapped talent pool for employers. While business is challenged with an aging workforce and a shortage of skilled workers, individuals with disabilities continue to be underemployed. Our goal is to partner with an inspired entrepreneur/business leader to develop a new entity to generate revenue and create employment opportunities for people with disabilities. As an integral part of its value proposition, the social enterprise will commit to creating public benefit in addition to generating profit.

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Dealing with Grief & Loss

By Rosalie Greenberger, LCSW JCFS CHICAGO

When a loved one dies, the effects of loss are as varied as our loved ones. Our feelings of grief are influenced by our relationship with the deceased, the circumstances of death and the timing of the death. At times, grief is manageable. We may be sorry that our loved one has died and feel sadness, but overall, the death will not have a large impact on our lives going forward.

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