We Have Their Backs

Dear Community Members, my bat mitzvah is in May and as a mitzvah, or service, project I’ve chosen to partner with Jewish Child & Family Services (JCFS) to help supply all kinds of kids in need with backpacks and school supplies.

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Reaching for Freedom: Teens and Independence

A teenager balks when his mom asks what time he’ll be home. Another groans when asked about their homework status. Another teen puts on make-up at school, out of their parents’ sight and judgement. And another stays in his room, a lot. These youth are negotiating one of the most common developmental concerns for teenagers: Gaining a sense of independence as they move slowly toward adulthood.

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The Outgoing Sibling

Helping the World See My Sister the Way I See Her

By Renee Birnberg Silberman

My sister is the most emotionally intelligent person I know. Our mother liked to tell me Estella was so smart, but I brushed her statements aside for most of my young and young adult life. After all, she had been tested as having lower than average intelligence, and the doctors told my parents (over half a century ago) that the best place for her to grow up was in a nun-run facility in Wisconsin.

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Parenting is a Journey, Don't Take It Alone

“Parenting is a Journey, Don’t Take it Alone” is the theme that runs through the programming  Jewish Child & Family Services offers for parents.  Travelers always take certain things with them – smart phones, identification, fuel, food, directions - so that their trips can be smooth.  What crucial items do parents need to have on their journeys?  The concepts in this article can be helpful for all parents regardless of the age of their children or the issue at hand.

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First Steps Toward Inclusion

From the day we are born we are a member of a community. As our development progresses and we learn to convey our wants and needs, our involvement and inclusion in family and community life increases. In some instances, infants and young children require early intervention therapy to augment their social, emotional and physical development so that they become actively engaged in their community.


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