Sexual Assault on College Campuses

Response for Teens would like to provide more young people with knowledge and skills that they can use to make better decisions and stay safe.  And as students prepare to go off to college, we wonder: what are the things that they may not learn in High School?

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Stronger Together

JVS Career & Employment’s Contracted Employment Services (CES) is committed to assisting adults with disabilities and other barriers to employment find and maintain jobs. CES pairs qualified candidates with open positions in janitorial and administrative support services. During this past year, these jobs were not just meaningful to the employer and employee, they were essential.

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Engaging a Community

Since 1996, the Orthodox Network has presented the day-long training many times.  The Network’s bi-monthly meetings, which moved successfully to Zoom in 2020, have helped hundreds of colleagues from many agencies to form professional relationships and learn about services, best practices, and community needs.

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Donor Profile: Howard Swibel

Howard Swibel is a renowned lawyer, philanthropist, and Jewish communal leader in the Chicagoland area. Growing up on the south side of Chicago, supporting and giving back to the Jewish community was a part of his upbringing.

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Maintaining Mask Safety

Wearing a mask during the pandemic helps keep children and their families safe by blocking respiratory droplets. Health experts recommend we keep wearing masks in public to keep the virus from reaching others. Here are a few tips that can help increase your child’s tolerance for mask wearing. 

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Self-Care Tips for Going Back to School

Transitioning from virtual learning to going to school in-person can make students both excited and stressed. While excited to see their friends and teachers in the classroom, they might feel stressed about getting used to a new daily routine and being around more people. Here are some self-care tips for going back to school.

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Resilience, Empathy and Hope for The New Year

This year, the Jewish High Holy Days and Suicide Awareness Month coincide on the lunar calendar. In fact, World Suicide Prevention Day lands on Friday, September 10, 2021, falling squarely between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, a time when we often reflect on issues of life and death and search for meaning, purpose and identity in our lives.

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Donor Profile: Cheri Grossman

Cheri Grossman grew up in the Chicagoland area, and after earning an accounting degree from the University of Illinois, built her career in real estate finance. She is a current JCFS Chicago board member and chair of the Resource Development Committee (RDC).

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