
Awareness and Inclusion: Creating Opportunities for School Success for Children with Emotional Disabilities

Rabbi David M. Rosenberg, Coordinator, Jewish Educational Services, JCFS Chicago Therapeutic Yeshiva reflects on Jewish Disability Awareness, Acceptance & Inclusion Month and the opportunities for success the JCFS Chicago Therapeutic Day School & Yeshiva create for students whose potential to achieve has been hindered by their emotional disability. 

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We’re All in This Together: The Cost and Benefits of Rewards

As the holidays approach, we sometimes equate the value of a gift with the level of love and caring we have for a particular person, or as a symbol of the gifts of the Magi during Christmas or the gifts to commemorate the miracle of the oil lamps during Hanukah. In a larger context, it is important for parents and caregivers to understand the real meaning, cost and benefits of giving rewards to children and youth in care.

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