
Addiction and the Family: How to Help Children of Alcoholics

By Aimee Pecora, MA, Therapy Extern-Psychological Services, with help from Beth Fishman, PhD, Addiction Services

Did you know?

  • One in five children grow up in a family system dealing with addiction.
  • Children of alcoholics are four times more likely to later develop addiction-related issues, such as difficulties with trust, anxiety, depression, and alcohol or drug addiction.

Considering these facts and in working with children, adolescents, and families, it is clear that addiction impacts the family system. There are several protective factors to consider or ways to reduce the negative impact of addiction, when working with children in a family system struggling with such issues.

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Prevention, Help and Hope: We Are YOUR Addiction Services

by Beth Fishman, Ph.D

Addiction is a disease that impacts our community and a disease that can be treated. The addiction services were created to assist those in the path of addiction’s immediate trauma and to help build caring communities that are aware of and responsive to the problem of addiction. Programs offered by the addiction services address specific needs of Chicago’s Jewish community, and reflect best practices from across the country.

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Time To Celebrate Sobriety

The Jewish New Year has just begun.  Jews around the world have experiencedthe High Holy Day process of tshuvah/spiritual return.  This can also be a time to celebrate the return to a life free of addiction.  If you are Jewish and actively engaged in addictive behavior, or find yourself embroiled in the chaos that a loved one’s addiction creates, how can you return to a life of sanity this year?  In this article are some suggestions to make the most of this opportunity to return to the life you were intended to live.

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