Social Superheroes
Monday, September 11, 2023
Mondays from 5-6pm or Mondays from 6:15-7:15pm
Elaine Kersten Children's Center 255 Revere Drive, Suite 200 Northbrook, IL 60062 View Map
IPT’s Social Superheroes group is led by a Speech-Language Pathologist and focuses on social skills with an emphasis on pragmatic language. Specific skills that will be targeted include, conversation skills, turn taking, asking questions, interpreting body language and additional skills that support a child in a social setting. Our structured group schedule includes opportunities for hands-on learning using play, expressive arts, games, and discussion to help form and maintain friendships. Register Today!
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IPT Handwriting Camps
Monday, June 10, 2024
Pre-K and Kindergarten: 9:00-10:00am
1st and 2nd grade: 10:15-11:15am
3rd and 4th grade: 11:30-12:30pm
1st and 2nd grade: 1:00-2:00pm
3rd and 4th grade: 2:15-3:15pm -
Abe and Ida Cooper Center 6639 N Kedzie Chicago, IL 60645 View Map
Many children need a boost in their handwriting formation and endurance. We’ll address age-appropriate skills that help enhance letter formation, sentence structure, and endurance for academic tasks like coloring, note taking, and report writing. Let’s help make school time easier and give your child a boost this summer! Register Today!
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