Ready Set Grow Children & Adolescents
Join us for our 2 - to 3 - year-old play group, designed to develop communication, language, and social skills. Waiting, turn-taking, following directions, and transitions are incorporated into preschool activities, like circle time, art, and pretend play. Our Speech-Language Pathologist will incorporate monthly themes to enhance vocabulary development, knowledge of early basic concepts, and pre-literacy skills.
Thursday, March 27, 2025
Abe and Ida Cooper Center
View Map
6639 N. Kedzie Ave.
Chicago, IL 60645
United States

Food Explorers ClassChildren & Adolescents
Join us to become a food explorer! This class will provide your child regular exposure to a variety of foods. We’ll be prepping, cooking, creating art or science, and finding joy while exploring foods. With a responsive feeding eye, your child will be invited to engage with food at an individual level which encourages autonomy, confidence, and a little stretch. All while having fun socializing with others.
Thursday, March 27, 2025
Elaine Kersten Children's Center
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255 Revere Dr
Suite 200
Northbrook, IL 60062
United States

Preschool PlaydateChildren & Adolescents
Join our Speech-Language Pathologist for a weekly play date class, designed to develop global developmental skills for the Preschool age. Activities will include music, story time, art, gross motor play, and pretend play to help your child socialize with peers.
Our therapist will incorporate weekly themes to enhance vocabulary development, knowledge of early basic concepts, and pre-literacy skills.
Thursday, April 3, 2025
Thursdays at the Elaine Kersten Children's Center, 10:30-11:30am; March 6 - April 17 (*No class on March 27)
Mondays at the Abe and Ida Cooper Center, 4-5pm; March 3 - April 7

The Not Bored Gamers ClubChildren & Adolescents
Like games but don't like losing? Need help waiting for your turn? Let's practice those skills in a small group led by a speech-language pathologist.
This class is targeted for ages 9 to 11 and activities will include typical board and card games as well as live-action versions of your favorite games. Collaboration, planning, and following rules will be our keys to success! Can you unlock them all?
Ages: 9-11
Cost: $250
Mondays, 5-6 pm, March 3rd - 31st
Monday, March 31, 2025
Elaine Kersten Children's Center
View Map
255 Revere Drive
Suite 200
Northbrook, IL 60062
United States

Ready Set Grow Children & Adolescents
Join us for our 2 - to 3 - year-old play group, designed to develop communication, language, and social skills. Waiting, turn-taking, following directions, and transitions are incorporated into preschool activities, like circle time, art, and pretend play. Our Speech-Language Pathologist will incorporate monthly themes to enhance vocabulary development, knowledge of early basic concepts, and pre-literacy skills.
Thursday, March 27, 2025
Abe and Ida Cooper Center
View Map
6639 N. Kedzie Ave.
Chicago, IL 60645
United States

Preschool PlaydateChildren & Adolescents
Join our Speech-Language Pathologist for a weekly play date class, designed to develop global developmental skills for the Preschool age. Activities will include music, story time, art, gross motor play, and pretend play to help your child socialize with peers.
Our therapist will incorporate weekly themes to enhance vocabulary development, knowledge of early basic concepts, and pre-literacy skills.
Thursday, April 3, 2025
Thursdays at the Elaine Kersten Children's Center, 10:30-11:30am; March 6 - April 17 (*No class on March 27)
Mondays at the Abe and Ida Cooper Center, 4-5pm; March 3 - April 7

Food Explorers ClassChildren & Adolescents
Join us to become a food explorer! This class will provide your child regular exposure to a variety of foods. We’ll be prepping, cooking, creating art or science, and finding joy while exploring foods. With a responsive feeding eye, your child will be invited to engage with food at an individual level which encourages autonomy, confidence, and a little stretch. All while having fun socializing with others.
Thursday, March 27, 2025
Elaine Kersten Children's Center
View Map
255 Revere Dr
Suite 200
Northbrook, IL 60062
United States

Preschool PlaydateChildren & Adolescents
Join our Speech-Language Pathologist for a weekly play date class, designed to develop global developmental skills for the Preschool age. Activities will include music, story time, art, gross motor play, and pretend play to help your child socialize with peers.
Our therapist will incorporate weekly themes to enhance vocabulary development, knowledge of early basic concepts, and pre-literacy skills.
Thursday, April 3, 2025
Thursdays at the Elaine Kersten Children's Center, 10:30-11:30am; March 6 - April 17 (*No class on March 27)
Mondays at the Abe and Ida Cooper Center, 4-5pm; March 3 - April 7

Ready Set Grow Children & Adolescents
Join us for our 2 - to 3 - year-old play group, designed to develop communication, language, and social skills. Waiting, turn-taking, following directions, and transitions are incorporated into preschool activities, like circle time, art, and pretend play. Our Speech-Language Pathologist will incorporate monthly themes to enhance vocabulary development, knowledge of early basic concepts, and pre-literacy skills.
Thursday, March 27, 2025
Abe and Ida Cooper Center
View Map
6639 N. Kedzie Ave.
Chicago, IL 60645
United States

Preschool PlaydateChildren & Adolescents
Join our Speech-Language Pathologist for a weekly play date class, designed to develop global developmental skills for the Preschool age. Activities will include music, story time, art, gross motor play, and pretend play to help your child socialize with peers.
Our therapist will incorporate weekly themes to enhance vocabulary development, knowledge of early basic concepts, and pre-literacy skills.
Thursday, April 3, 2025
Thursdays at the Elaine Kersten Children's Center, 10:30-11:30am; March 6 - April 17 (*No class on March 27)
Mondays at the Abe and Ida Cooper Center, 4-5pm; March 3 - April 7