Lori Shapiro: Helping Lead the Way Forward

Lori Shapiro: Helping Lead the Way Forward

A few years ago, Lori Shapiro was exploring opportunities to broaden her volunteering experience. As a longtime JUF Women’s Board member, she visited JCFS Chicago’s Response for Teens, a program specifically devoted to supporting young people (ages 9 through 25) and their families in the Jewish and general community.

“I just really love everything that Response does,” Shapiro said of the program, which provides leadership development, counseling and inclusive comprehensive sexual health and healthy relationship education. “It just really made sense because at the time I had three teenagers.”

In 2018, Shapiro joined the Response Advisory Council (RAC). These volunteers provide guidance and feedback for the program’s leadership team as well as act as advisors, ambassadors and fundraisers. From 2021-23, Shapiro was co-chair of Tuned In, Response’s annual fundraising event. In July 2023, she became RAC chairperson.

Recent changes to Response include moving into a renovated building in Skokie. Many new RAC members have joined, and the subcommittee structure and responsibilities have shifted.

“Everyone is going to be on different committees and really rolling up their sleeves to be able to work more closely together with the staff,” Shapiro said.  “I want to build those relationships with everyone on the board and with the staff and be able to work together to tell everyone what Response does. Helping kids and their parents to get involved - that’s what it’s all about.”