Crisis In Ukraine
JCFS Chicago is devastated by the events unfolding in Ukraine. Our thoughts are with the Ukrainian people, and with those in our community who are working resolutely to get family and friends to safety.
Welcoming refugees is core to JCFS, and to the HIAS Immigration & Citizenship program. Over the course of our history, we have assisted more than 40,000 refugees from all regions of the world; in the past eight weeks alone, we have helped nearly 40 Afghan evacuees begin to rebuild their lives in Chicago. Our support for those who need protection is steadfast, and we stand ready to welcome Ukrainians seeking safety.
Unfortunately, at this time, we are unable expedite refugee applications or petitions to bring family members to the United States. If you have not yet filed a family petition and would like to begin that process, please call HIAS Immigration & Citizenship to schedule an appointment: 312 357 4666. Please note that this is not an emergency response as this process is likely to take months or years.
We will continue to update our website as we learn more. Please check back for updates.
Make a donation to support refugee resettlement and learn more about co-sponsorship for the Refugee Resettlement Program.
As we await more information on refugee admissions, we encourage advocacy to expand Temporary Protected Status eligibility to Ukrainians; this would provide individuals in the United States who cannot return home to Ukraine with time-limited permission to continue living and working here. We also encourage advocacy to expedite refugee applications.
The Torah tells us in no less than 36 places to “welcome the stranger”. Our hope is that Ukrainians displaced by violence will be able to return home; however, if it is unsafe for them to do so, we will be here to extend welcome.
JCFS Чикаго потрясён событиями, разворачивающимися в Украине. Наши мысли с украинским народом и с теми в нашем сообществе, кто работает для обеспечения безопасности семьи и друзей.
К сожалению, в настоящее время мы не можем ускорить рассмотрение заявлений о предоставлении статуса беженца или петиций, чтобы перевезти членов семьи в Соединенные Штаты. Если вы еще не подали семейную петицию и хотели бы начать этот процесс, позвоните в отдел иммиграции и гражданства HIAS, чтобы назначить встречу по тел: 312 357 4666. Обратите внимание, что это не экстренное реагирование, поскольку этот процесс, вероятно, займет месяцы или годы.
Мы продолжим обновлять наш веб-сайт размещать на нём необходимую информацию.
Пожалуйста, следите за обновлениями.