
Donor Profile: Eve Samson

Eve Samson’s first contribution to the Response for Teens’ annual fundraising event, Tuned In, was a $25 check written back in 2010. She has been giving in more and more ways ever since.

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Donor Profile: Pamela Ruos

Pamela Ruos is a docent at the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center and a member of the Response Advisory Council (RAC), a group of dedicated volunteers that generously donate their time and resources to support JCFS Chicago’s Response for Teens program.

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Donor Profile: Terri Freeman

Terri Freeman is a Chicago native, longstanding Jewish community leader, volunteer, and philanthropist, as well as a member of JCFS Chicago’s Response Advisory Council (RAC) for Response for Teens. 

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Calling New Members for the Response Advisory Council

JCFS Response for Teens is seeking new members to serve on the Response Advisory Council (RAC). RAC members are committed to the important work of empowering adolescents to make healthy choices, and put their skills and gifts to work in the service of helping teens develop skills in communication, decision-making and leadership.

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You Can Make a Difference

The JCFS family of services works to strengthen the lives of over 30,000 people in the Chicago area each year. Our support for people with disabilities, career and employment services, therapeutic education and teen outreach strengthens the emotional and economic well-being of children, adults and families. Thanks so much for joining with us in this work.

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Reaching for Freedom: Teens and Independence

A teenager balks when his mom asks what time he’ll be home. Another groans when asked about their homework status. Another teen puts on make-up at school, out of their parents’ sight and judgement. And another stays in his room, a lot. These youth are negotiating one of the most common developmental concerns for teenagers: Gaining a sense of independence as they move slowly toward adulthood.

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