Safer Schools is a three-pronged approach to child abuse prevention for Jewish day school students, administrators, teachers, staff and parents.
- SMART KidsTM is a newly developed program presented in Orthodox Jewish Day Schools to students in pre-school through fourth grade.
- Children learn about boundaries, bodily autonomy, and making smart choices when faced with uncomfortable situations.
- Animated videos about Miriam and Ari as they navigate scenarios help kids understand how to handle unique situations. Watch the first video here!
- Classroom posters, materials for parents, continuing conversation resources for teachers and fun Miriam and Ari give aways and coloring sheets remind children about being a S.M.A.R.T. Kid.
Teachers & School Staff
- The program educates teachers, social workers and other school staff about boundaries, signs and symptoms of abuse, and responding to suspicions and disclosures.
- Participants learn through roleplay how to create a culture of safety by normalizing disclosures, empowering children to advocate for themselves and encouraging discussion.
- The programs provide parents with additional information about keeping children safe.
- Interactive discussions give parents opportunities to share and learn from each other.
PACS (Partners Aligned for Child Safety) is an alliance of JCFS Chicago, Associated Talmud Torahs and Upward Community to coordinate and streamline efforts to prevent child abuse in Chicago area Orthodox day schools.
For more information about Safer Schools programs, contact Bracha Jakofsky, MSW, Abuse Prevention Coordinator and Mental Health Educator.
To report suspicions or knowledge of child abuse or neglect, call the DCFS Hotline at 1.800.25.ABUSE (1.800.252.2873)

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to Help.
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