Join the Chicagoland Jewish Community for a Safer Shabbat.
Safer Shabbat celebrates the strength within abuse survivors of all ages and circumstances and brings the community together to acknowledge the hardship and inspire empowerment.
Your synagogue is encouraged to create your own Safer Shabbat by utilizing our resources below and/or bringing in your own. Creating a safe and sacred community is an expression of our Jewish values.
רפואת הנפש, רפואת הגוף / Refu’at ha-nefesh, refu’at ha-guf / healing for the spirit, healing for the body (the Mi She-berach prayer) is one example of how a universal prayer can have new meaning to encompass and support survivors on their healing journey. We encourage you to incorporate others. Suggestions are on our resource page.
The resource page provided here is created for the purpose of offering ideas and resources to be utilized during Safer Shabbat. We have included language and prayers focused on abuse prevention and survivor support. We have also provided handouts and additional educational material for you to share with congregants via your newsletters and/or website to enhance their own Shabbat table discussions and beyond.
Continuing the conversation at home, in school or in synagogue throughout the year reinforces the importance of abuse prevention.
Planning to observe Safer Shabbat? Let us know!
For more information and/or assistance in planning Safer Shabbat in your congregation, please contact Elizabeth Ury, Director of Jewish Community Engagement.
Our partners, SHALVA, CJE SeniorLife and JCFS Response for Teens, have contributed to the information covering the lifespan of abuse.
Sample Safer Shabbat Schedule
- Friday Night Service:
- Rabbi or other invited speaker speaks on abuse throughout the lifecycle
- Shabbat Dinner:
- During dinner initiate conversation with kids using Keeping Children Safe handout.
- Shabbat Morning:
- Rabbi/Cantor includes various prayers in the service to provide healing for those who have or are currently experiencing abuse
- Shabbat Drasha/sermon:
- Rabbi or other invited speaker discusses account of Amnon and Tamar and/or speaks about abuse in the Jewish community
- Shabbat Kiddush:
- Congregants discuss the discussion questions scattered on various tables
- Shabbat Lunch:
- Continue family conversations about healthy relationships
- Motzei Shabbat/Saturday Night:
- Watch documentary “Athelete A” on Netflix and use provided discussion guide

We're Here
to Help.
For assistance or more information, call us at 855.275.5237 or email us at