JCFS Chicago, No Shame on U and The Chicago Board of Rabbis invite you to observe Mental Health Shabbat on January 24th and 25th 2025, 25 Tevet 5785, Parshat Sh'vat or any other Shabbat.
Mental Health Shabbat is an opportunity to bring light during the dark winter months, celebrate mental health and well-being, reduce the shame and stigma of mental illness, and offer hope and healing.
Synagogues can participate in Mental Health Shabbat by choosing from a variety of observances, such as:
- sharing information about mental health and well-being with congregants through your website, newsletter and eblasts
- including those struggling with mental health challenges in healing prayers and acknowledging those who died by suicide in memorial prayers
- incorporating mental health and well-being related supplemental prayers and/or readings into services
- speaking about mental health during the Sermon/D’var Torah and/or inviting a guest speaker to share information or a personal narrative
View the Mental Health Shabbat Resource Guide here
Shabbat at Home
In addition to your Mental Health Shabbat observances in your synagogue, we have included suggestions for “Shabbat At Home” for you to share with your congregants to enhance their observances at home.
Planning to observe Mental Health Shabbat? Let us know! We're happy to help and we value your feedback.
For more information and/or assistance as you develop your Mental Health Shabbat plans, please contact Bracha Jakofsky, Mental Health Educator.
View our Mental Health Shabbat Resource Guide for links to articles, information, prayers and readings to share with your community on Mental Health Shabbat and throughout the year. If your congregation is not able to observe Mental Health Shabbat on Parashat Bo, we encourage you to select another Shabbat to raise awareness, share information and offer support and comfort to all those in your community who struggle with mental health challenges and to their loved ones.

We're Here
to Help.
For assistance or more information, call us at 855.275.5237 or email us at Ask@JCFS.org.