Finding the Light: A Recovery Chanukah Gathering
Monday, December 11, 2023
Tikvah Center for Jewish Recovery and Healing 3320 Dundee Road Northbrook, IL 60062 View Map
We will light the chanukiah, hear how members of our local Jewish recovery community find light in recovery, engage in learning together, and enjoy traditional holiday food and song. Those in recovery, loved ones, and allies are welcome. Register today Co-Sponsored by JCFS, the Recovery Chevra, the Tikvah Center and members of our local recovery community.
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ABLE Accounts: Benefits of Having One and How They Work
Monday, December 11, 2023
Services for People with Disabilities (SFPD) presents a free Community Education Workshop ABLE Accounts: Benefits of Having One and How They Work. ABLE accounts can offer individuals with disabilities a path toward greater financial independence by providing an ability to plan, save, and spend money on services, products, and education while preserving their benefits (eg: Medicaid, SSI, SSDI).
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