JCFS Chicago Federal Mandate Public Statement
Whatever issue matters to you—immigration, LGBTQ rights, disability inclusion, mental health care, the economy, infrastructure, public safety, or the environment—it has been dealt a serious blow by the executive orders issued this past week.
Whether the impact is felt immediately or down the road, the sweeping decrees will leave no one untouched. They are unjust and counter to the values and mission of JCFS Chicago.
Recent federal mandates profoundly impact JCFS and our community. A stop-work order halted reimbursement for vital refugee resettlement services, affecting adults and children already lawfully in the U.S. The White House directive pausing all federal grants and loans has been temporarily blocked. We do not know what’s coming today, tomorrow or the day after.
What we do know is that JCFS will not waver in its commitment to those who rely on us. Our mission is clear, and our values are non-negotiable.
For now, we will rely on our generous and vocal community to ensure that we are keeping the promises we made as we welcome these newcomers to America even as so many others are forced to shut their doors. JCFS will maintain an emotional safe haven for trans and nonbinary teens who are now open targets to hate. We will remain a compassionate source of support for others through these days of uncertainty, discrimination and fear.
As we seek clarity in the chaos, we will not stop fighting for those who need us most. Contact your legislators today and demand they push for these harmful orders to be reevaluated and reversed. Tell them that protecting human dignity and ensuring safety for all must be a priority.
We believe that once people grasp the harm these directives will cause, they will be compelled to act. Please share our message with your social network, contact list, friends and family so we can amplify our cause.
Call. Email. Speak out. Make your voice heard now.
Stacey Shor Simon Fleischmann
President and CEO Board Chair