Knapp School & Yeshiva is located in Chicago’s Rogers Park community, in the Joy Faith Knapp Children’s Center.
The school has 17 modern class rooms fully equipped with computers, monitored Internet access and private bathrooms. There also is a Resource Room, an art studio, an open studio, gymnasium, a speech therapy room, an occupational therapy room and a conference room. There are four time away-rooms and alternative spaces for students to seek solitude outside of their classrooms as needed.
Our Resource Room offers students a quiet place to work on classroom assignments or homework, or a place to meet with their academic coordinator during lunch. Students who are reintegrating to their home school also use the Resource Room as a place to complete, or get help with, assignments.
More than a library, not exactly a classroom, our Resource Room has more than 45 shelves of books, computers and a serene decor. It's also popular with our teachers, who often bring small groups of students to work on projects, or access educational resources for their classrooms. Students ask to visit the resource room when they want quiet time to work on classroom assignments or homework. Teachers may bring in small groups of students to work with in an environment outside of the regular classroom. Or, students seeking a bit of one-on-one time with someone they can talk to often stop by to enjoy a lunch-time chat with the academic coordinator.
It also serves as the hub for The Mag, the Knapp School & Yeshiva "zine" that features student-created stories, poems and artwork.

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