Honoring Victims of Domestic and Sexual Violence | Grades 6–12
The Clothesline Project is a visual, interactive presentation honoring survivors and remembering those who have died as a result of domestic and sexual violence. In this program, participants in grades 6–12 begin by discussing the origin and purpose of the Clothesline Project. We then hang a clothesline containing multi-colored t-shirts that, over the course of the project’s existence, have been created and decorated by abuse survivors or in memory of individuals who have been abused. Following the viewing of the clothesline, trained facilitators debrief with youth in small groups. Participants affected by domestic and sexual violence also have the opportunity to create and contribute their own t-shirts. As this can be a very emotional presentation, professional clinical support from Response for Teens is provided throughout.
Watch a video about The Clothesline Project filmed by Response for Teens Advisory Council member Hollis Russinof:
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