JCFS TDS Celebrates Our Volunteers During National Volunteer Week
It’s National Volunteer Week and we’re kicking off our TDS Tuesday post with a shout out to all those who’ve spent time giving back to our school community. If you are interested in learning how to support the JCFS TDS and volunteer, please contact Shannon Corona.

Sue Shulman and Sparky
We’d like to start by introducing you to one of our most beloved volunteers who happens to come in a pair. Sue and therapy dog Sparky visit TDS twice a week to ensure each classroom and student have ample time together. Outside of their regular schedule, time is also made for unscheduled visits to students requiring extra support. Our students (and staff) light up when Sue and Sparky enter the hallway. Sparky’s irresistable love and endless hugs works magic at providing calm energy.
Sue Shulman has long been involved in JCFS Chicago, devoting her time to the agency in different ways. A former Special Education teacher, Sue began her time volunteering at TDS in the front office, which lead to helping out in the classrooms. Sue happened to be pursue a therapeutic training program for Sparky just around the time JCFS TDS was looking for a therapy dog and the rest is history. Sparky and Sue have been visiting JCFS TDS for more than 5 years.
What initially brought Sue to JCFS TDS? “My sister, Joy. I feel close to her when I’m in this building,” said Sue. She and her family are big supporters of JCFS Chicago and JCFS TDS. When asked what was rewarding about bringing Sparky to JCFS TDS, Sue shared, “the most rewarding thing is when a child is having a difficult time completing work or regulating their emotions and seeing Sparky immediately turns it around. I can’t explain it.” Anyone who works or attend JCFS TDS can attest that just the opportunity to spend some cuddle time with Sparky perks up moods and spirits. We are extremely grateful for all that Sue and Sparky have given to our TDS community over the years. Our school would not be the same without them.

Joann Berg, JCFS TDS Volunteer
Joann has been integral to our students' success by providing push-out tutoring support during the day to those students requiring additional assistance. With Joann’s help, these students were provided an increased opportunity to build crucial skills.
Randi Loskove and Rabbi Rephoel
Mrs. Randi Loskove and Rabbi Rephoel Wolf are two very important volunteers who are connected to our Therapeutic Yeshiva. Mrs. Loskove, a teacher who comes to us from REACH, provides each student with daily individualized Judaic Studies attention! Rabbi Wolf, who also comes from REACH, teaches two high school students Jewish text on a weekly basis.
Michael Carlson
We’d also like to acknowledge is Michael Carlson who accompanies our students on the Wood Workshop outings! We love having him join us.

North Shore Auxiliary
Another huge volunteer group we are extremely grateful for are the North Shore Auxiliary. Celebrating it's 100th Anniversary, this group of women provides our students with a monthly pizza and donut lunch which is always beautifully set up and ready to feed hungry mouths. At the end of the year, they come in again and host our graduation reception, which they've decorated and filled with yummy and delectable treats and food. We are grateful to you all for the time and energy spent on making these events special for our TDS community year after year! (Pictured L to R: Joshua Rosen, Former JCFS Chicago Development Associate, Volunteers & In-Kind Giving; NSA member Lori Lavin; NSA member Lesley Weile.)