We believe with the proper training and support, a person with a disability will become a valued employee at a job they love.
For more than 30 years we have proudly been a committed advocate for people with any documented disability, providing job training and customized employment opportunities.
Inclusive, caring programs
Our programs all begin by first learning a person’s needs and helping them uncover his or her interests and abilities. From there we create individualized career plans, enhance job searching skills, match job seekers to job opportunities, and offer job coaching where needed.
In addition to job assistance, we also help navigate issues regarding Social Security and taxes, residential options, family matters, social and recreational programming, and other supportive services.
We are honored to be part of a network of 600 nonprofit agencies nationally that provide work for people with disabilities. Our inclusive employment opportunities provide options beyond day programs and sheltered workshops, and we always strive to match strengths and interests to potential employers.
We’re in this together
Our vision for an inclusive society to all begins with an open door that leads to well-trained, expert staff prepared to provide truly person-centered services. View our presentation to learn how our employment specialists can help you find and keep a job.
Take the first step
Want to learn more about our programs for people with disabilities? Speak directly with one of our intake counselors at 855.275.5237 or email us at ask@jcfs.org.

We're Here
to Help.
For assistance or more information, call us at 855.275.5237 or email us at Ask@JCFS.org.