Lifelines: Receiving and Giving

In the early 2000s, Sarah was struggling to pay her bills while living in Chicago and attending medical school. Her grueling academic schedule didn’t allow time for a job to help. A classmate, who also was Jewish, told her about a JVS Career & Employment scholarship offered to Jewish students studying in the health field.

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Dry January

Dry January is a global movement in which individuals and communities abstain from alcohol for one month. Dry January supports the many individuals who question the role alcohol plays in their lives or who seek to reduce the harm of their alcohol use.

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Supporting a Loved One’s Recovery

Addiction Recovery is all around us, freely shared and supported! We are now celebrating one another’s recovery just as we have always celebrated positive change in other kinds of physical, spiritual and emotional well-being. So…how do we support loved ones who are living addiction-free? 

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